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Top Data Science Courses and Workshops to see (2022)

Why is it important to know Data Science courses and workshops? The most valuable asset of the present and the future is information. We generate data through our searches, consumption, locations, interactions, and other actions that we all have daily on the Internet. 

Information has revolutionized the world since the arrival of search engines like Google and social networks. That is why whoever wants to capitalize on a market must collect data about their customers, but it is necessary to know what to do with it too. 

This is how data science became one of the most decisive disciplines for the commercial area of all industries in the world. Its mix of technology and software development makes the discipline challenges. 

We created a compendium of top Data Science courses and workshops that we consider valuable for anyone interested in data science because of:

✅Have a digital business

✅Plans to have one

✅Is a digital freelancer

✅IT or Marketing Manager 

✅The leader within a company

✅Participate in decision making

✅Or even want a promotion, making the company you are part of more and more PRODUCTIVE.

But first, let’s talk about what is data science?

It is an artificial intelligence technique where large volumes of information are collected and analyzed and then is determined the best way to handle and interpret it.

What is the purpose of data science?

Discover trends, predict the future, and anticipate it with strategic decisions.

This discipline combines software development techniques, computation, probabilities, management, and even new technologies such as machine learning.

It is presumed that specialists in this field will be the most demanded in a few years, along with software developers and marketers.

Suppose you do not want to be one of them, but you are part of a company. In that case, you must know about data science to take advantage of its potential or hire the right person who will take the productivity of your business to stratospheric levels with the help of the data management of your customers.

As we are clear about the importance of knowledge, we continue to move forward with the proposals you can get today in the data science training market. ​⬇️​

Top 5 Data Science Courses and Workshops this 2022

Data Science Specialization – JHU – Coursera

John Hopkins University supports this training.

There are ten introductory courses to data science as a discipline.

You will learn:

The entire data science process, from acquisition to publication.

You will learn about the Github repository to manage data science projects. And perform regression analysis, least squares, and inference using regression models.

You will learn basic concepts, the right questions to ask to drive the process, and the necessary tools. And you will develop a final project to apply all the skills learned by building a data product using real-world data.

In the end, you will be able to use this first project as a portfolio.

Introduction to Data Science for Metis

Although this course is introductory, it requires participants to have basic knowledge of Python and be familiar with the basic concepts of statistics and linear algebra, such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation, and the difference between a vector and a matrix.

This is a Bootcamp where you will learn the basics of data science, the leading technologies, the principles of machine learning, and even have a simple but practical coding experience.

It is designed for six weeks and is 100% online.

Like the previous one, you will develop a final project, which you can use as a portfolio.

Data Science: Machine Learning

This course is endorsed by Harvard University.

This introductory course is part of the university’s Data Science Professional Certification Program. In it, you will learn popular machine learning algorithms, principal component analysis, and regularization by building a movie recommendation system.

Its focus is on machine learning under the same logical scheme that data solutions are built.

You will learn about training data and how to use a dataset to discover potentially predictive relationships.

You will also learn about overtraining and techniques to avoid it, such as cross-validation.

The duration is 8 weeks at 2-4 hours per week.

Do you motivated to give it a try?

Introduction to Machine Learning Course

As we mentioned in the previous course, machine learning principles are related to data science. In fact, it is advisable to learn both together to understand the processes better.

Therefore, we did not want to overlook a course on this discipline in our list of recommendations.

You will learn the complete data research process through a machine learning lens. You will be able to extract and identify useful features that better represent your data, some of the essential machine learning algorithms, and how to evaluate the performance of your machine learning algorithms.

This is a free, 10-week beginner course sponsored by UDACITY.

1st steps in Data Science, ML & AI | Free Workshop | Dividev

We could not leave out our Workshop on Data Science, Machine learning, and AI, all fundamental concepts related to the predictive analysis of data and a company’s success.

Our specialists prepared ten videos in which you can learn basic concepts of these disciplines. Application models, technologies, and many valuable tools to start your career as an analyst and data scientist, or even make the right decision about the team you will have in your company.

As we commented before, it is not depreciable knowledge because it represents the present and future productivity of many companies.

To be able to predict your customers’ behavior to offer them solutions.
Anticipate some changes in the industry to make strategic decisions that will help you be more efficient in your processes.

These are just some of the advantages we want you to take advantage of with our Workshop.

You can enjoy it HERE.

Data science applies to all industries without exception.

Imagine being able to predict another pandemic and, this time, being prepared? That’s the power of data science and another concept we’ll look at another time: big data.

We invite you to get trained in the subject with any courses and workshops on data science that we recommend. Once you know about it, you can learn about our offerings and consider them based on your knowledge. We are at your service to support you in this area.