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Before&After: Application of Data Science in the Tourism Industry

Imagine that you can know all the critical data about your ideal client, their interests, pain points, desires, emotional states, searches, etc. Then you interpret this information, and you can predict their response because you build a travel offer according to their current state. 

This guarantees a purchase and, more than that, loyalty because you hit the nail on the head with what they were expecting. 

Although this premise seems to be taken out of a science fiction movie, it is possible thanks to artificial intelligence and data analysis as a solution within this intelligent world of technologies. 

In the tourism industry, affected by the effects of the pandemic, this could mean the difference between recovering in the short or long term. Read on to learn more about how you can turn your business around by applying an innovative data analytics solution.

How can data analytics drive the travel industry and potentially your company?

1. Analyze the GDP, which sectors have contributed to the industry, and to what extent.

2. Analyze the critical actions performed by your competitors (market analysis).

3. Analyze your actions and strategies vs. the results obtained to optimize efforts.

4. Your consumers’ behavior in social networks and search engines.

5. Find more easily the actions taken by governments, tourism offices, and entities involved in your industry that may favor your commercial development or harm you.

6. Statistically analyze your growth or loss

7. Make future projections about the behavior of your market based on past information (it happens from the moment you implement an intelligent data analysis solution).

8. Identify which actions are good (to reinforce them) and which are not (to improve them).

9. Discover new routes, destinations, or travel intentions (users are constantly changing).

10. Identify new services that you can include in your commercial value proposition.

11. If you wish, even forecast data on future pandemics or disruptions in the global status quo to make provisions for them.

Data analysis as a technological solution can provide many answers that even our human mind cannot understand, and it would not be the first time this has happened. All artificial intelligence algorithms are developed to improve themselves as they obtain more information and suggest new trends or discover things we never imagined without us explaining it because it self-manage their intelligence from the data it collects. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

You can develop a data analysis solution for your tourism business with our team. Please find out how we can help you.

Success stories of data analytics application in the tourism industry

KAYAK integrated with ALEXA skills

This company currently offers its users the possibility to perform a voice search with simple parameters such as:

Alexa, ask KAYAK where can I go on vacation in October for $1,000?”

In response, that person will be able to track flights, book hotels, search for destinations, and take into account the data that Alexa itself collects about him. That’s the promise of KAYAK.

By providing access to information to your customer, you increase the chances of purchase and get valuable information that you can then use to your advantage.

Airlines such as United Airlines and even airports, such as Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, use big data and data analysis to detect fraud and errors in flight allocation, analyze customer behavior and even measure customer satisfaction through the data generated every time they use their services.

This may sound invasive, but it is the opportunity to improve your users’ experience through personalization, which seems to be the critical factor for future success.

Do you want to know how we apply AI and data analytics solutions with our partners?

Let us schedule a no-obligation exploratory meeting if you feel attracted by the results you can enjoy. And if not, you can also contact us to know the scope and even the profit you could generate from implementing an intelligent data analysis solution in your tourism company.

We are sure it will be a before and after.