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A look at Salesforce Einstein for empowering your tool with a champion team

Einstein is a Salesforce artificial intelligence layer created for administrators and developers to empower CRM and make your customer service more intelligent. 
Imagine that one of your customers gives you different data when they make a purchase so you can use it to advise them on what product/service best suits their needs. The time it takes a person to collect, analyze the information and then search through the options is longer than it would take to Salesforce Einstein. As an AI tool, it can almost immediately collect all the information and consult the options. With that immediacy, your customers will value it, and this will increase their loyalty. This is just one example of the importance of customizing and empowering your Salesforce with AI.

How Salesforce Einstein (AI) improves your business’s Salesforce CRM?

Salesforce AI makes all departments work smarter and improves the customer’s experience using the tool. 

  • It helps you analyze data, predict thoughts or behaviors, and take key actions in anticipation of and in response to those predictions. 
  • It helps you automate your business activities and processes. 
  • With Salesforce Einstein, you can make the system predictive, and that impacts on effectiveness, accuracy, ability to anticipate, better customer experience, etc. 

Making systems predictive means putting a value on stored data. It is not just about doing analytics, but also about adding value to a wealth of data related to customer interactions with our company, IoT devices, comments on social networks and even calls. 

  • It allows human talent to prioritize and optimize their time in essential activities for your business growth. 

Imagine a bank has a Salesforce CRM-based application updated with Einstein. The AI would know who the customers are, their historical banking activity and how to answer their questions best based on past inquiries. Without a doubt, Salesforce AI is the perfect complement to your business!

Using Salesforce Einstein is like having a data scientist working day and night for your business processes. 

  • Sales or customer service teams don’t have to upload the data manually because the AI takes it from emails, CRM, social media, and IoT and gives you predictions or quick responses to customer requests (internal and external). 

The good thing about leveraging Salesforce with Einstein is that you don’t have to do additional implementations because this personalization is already integrated. 

Let’s explore the intelligent solutions of Salesforce Einstein (AI)

Sales Cloud Einstein:

The benefits offered by this feature are on customer acquisition. 

It helps you score leads, store information about them, note opportunities to convert them, and more intelligently manage their accounts and contacts. 

Service Cloud Einstein:

If it is not in the cloud, the information can be lost, damaged, or breached. 

With this Salesforce AI feature, you can get information about your customers in real time with artificial intelligence and machine learning. This feature impacts positively on many aspects, but above all, on customer service. 

Marketing Cloud Einstein:

This feature allows the marketing team to send the right message, through the right channel, at the right time, with the right content. 

How? By predicting and recommending content based on the customer’s need, which is already known through intelligent data analysis.

Community Cloud Einstein:

Your marketing team is the one that will mainly take advantage of this feature, which will be the secret to launching successful campaigns by predicting and recommending content according to customer needs. 

Analytics Cloud Einstein:

This feature applies to CRM. These are analytics functions built into Salesforce so that you can automate and prioritize the next thing you need to know, making it easier to analyze millions of pieces of data for predictive insights and prescriptive recommendations.

Commerce Cloud Einstein:

This Salesforce AI feature works with mobile site referral data, architectural blueprints, order management and Google Android Pay integration and predictive sorting to recommend the right products and offers at the right time to increase order value.

Salesforce Platform Einstein:

Einstein not only makes your company’s CRM, customer service and marketing smarter, but it also gives you the option to create your custom application, allowing developers to develop custom deep learning models from image data and unstructured text such as social media posts, customer emails, and meeting notes.

Salesforce IoT Einstein:

Einstein is not only artificial intelligence, it also combines IoT. It gets access to IoT signals, coming from the customer, to build predictive artificial intelligence models.

With this feature you can: 

🏆Predict events 

🏆Automate events

🏆Enable users to act based on their knowledge

Salesforce Einstein also has extended voice capabilities with its voice assistant, allowing you to store data also from conversations or phone calls, for example.


Beyond Salesforce Einstein & Tableau Analytics

At Championsys we know that Salesforce custom data and other related systems have a lot of buried and hidden valuable information. It requires a special effort in order to create information pipelines and custom predictive models and create value. 

In Championsys we have a dedicated AI, ML and Data Science Studio with highly specialized engineers who can create very innovative predictive applications based on those data.

Probably you don’t know exactly how to take advantage of those hidden and buried information, thus we have created a process called Discovery Sessions in which your company and our specialists have the ability to recognize those opportunities and design AI functionalities with high ROI. 

Sky’s the limit, we can link up Salesforce data with any other information stored in external systems. For instance, we can relate Service Cloud and Sales Cloud information with a company’s ERP or HR system in order to have new insights on how to improve efficiency, allocate resources, or reduce costs.

Salesforce Einstein is the personalization that will take your business results from good to great. The number 1 in the market always bets on the customization of world-class tools such as Salesforce, taking the fullest potential by the hand of champion administrators and developers like the ones we have in Championsys. Contact us today if you are interested in getting to the top.