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Why DevSecOps Is One The Biggest Tech Trends in 2021

DevSecOps introduces information security into the DevOps paradigm. It represents its necessary and natural evolution, since more than ever IT companies need a way to approach security.

Defining, dividing, and assigning responsibilities to give to development, security, and operations teams are the biggest challenges a company has to face to implement it properly. Finding the right level of overlap in assessment and outcomes is essential and what affects the most the chance of success.

Just like in DevOps, cultivating shared responsibilities is vital. In particular, each DevSecOps team member should consider security as one of their primary responsibilities, rather than something supervised by other teams.

Such a policy reduces the overall risk, but only if the security team is properly involved and is free to act as needed. At the same time, developers should be writing code, while the operations team is suited to ensure that new deployments are in line with company objectives.

As noted above, DevSecOps is not all about speed. On the contrary, it prioritizes the development and deployment of secure services.

Speed and security should not be separated, but integrated into a new harmonious policy, trying to find the right balance between the two.

How to implement it?
There are many ways to implement DevSecOps for sure, the common approach consists of integrating key security policies such as code analysis, compliance monitoring, threat investigation, and vulnerabilities assessments into typical DevOps workflows.


We looked at DevSecOps and why no companies can really ignore it. This is one of the biggest technology trends in 2021 and anyone interesting in the IT world should know its key concepts.

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