
Staff augmentation: all you need to know about it

Staff augmentation is one of the new favorite practices of all companies (small, medium, and large). It’s the opportunity to access the best professionals from different industries and the world to make them part of your team.

In a few words, staff augmentation:

It’s a model where you hire specific professionals to fill short-term positions within your company.
It has been used for IT and development purposes, but you can apply it to marketing, financing, and even team/company management.

Specialists become part of your team and cooperate with your company’s employees.

Benefits of staff augmentation

  • One of the most significant benefits is that you can hire people according to the specific needs of your business. And also temporarily.
  • It allows you to choose the most qualified people in a much more comprehensive territorial range than your city.
  • You can save money over time by avoiding problems (like cybersecurity). You achieve this with a temporary team that, if you wish, would not even work full time, so you free yourself from certain labor liabilities.
  • You save all the logistics of hiring a new member of your internal team.
  • You can constantly evaluate the person and add their knowledge and experience to your internal team.
  • Flexibility to choose the talents involved in your business projects.
  • Increase your team’s capacities and value.

Steps to augment your technology and software development team

Step 1: Choose the right partner

To do this, study the company’s reputation, offer, experience with other clients, even those in your same industry, years of experience, and all the aspects you consider necessary, and that will assure you that it is the right technology partner for your need.

Step 2: Choose the staff augmentation model that suits you best

Staffing is a flexible modality that you can tailor to your needs.

Determine and evaluate what you need and the scope of the service. This will allow you to negotiate favorable hiring conditions.

There are many staffing models, and some of them are sure to suit you.

Step 3: Clarify your goals and KPIs

This point is based on knowing what you expect to achieve with the professional you hire, establishing SMART goals with their incorporation, and, more importantly, defining how you will evaluate the performance of the functions and the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of those objectives.

Step 4: Establishes and prioritizes the channels of communication with the staff member

Communication is the basis of all human relationships, including work relationships.

A team that does not communicate well is inefficient and does not meet its objectives.

The professional, although independent, must be incorporated into the ecosystems of your team and provide sufficient channels of communication and feedback so that he can perform his work successfully.

Step 5: Think about the maintenance plan

A maintenance plan includes reorganizing the team after retiring the contracted professional. How to divide responsibilities and activities.

At Dividev, we offer talent from Latin America

Why Latin America?

  • Because it has the right timezone with you in US.
  • We have the higher universities, specially in Argentina
  • For cost-saving puporses (-55%)

Why us for staff augmentation services? Dividev

  • We hire the right engineers filtering the best talent with our excellent selection process. The result is a cost-effective solution compared to hiring American talent of the same caliber.
  • We pay monthly to your team members and cover all local government taxes for you. Do not worry about the hiring process, unemployment, finances, payroll, IT infrastructure or legal problems.
  • We set up a complete professional work station ready to join your team. We create an environment for your brand in our offices. Our candidates become a true member of your team. It will be your new site in LATAM!

Let’s take a first look at team augmentation:

It’s an outsourcing strategy that allows you to attach a limited talent pool to your technology team based on your internal needs.

It is an outsourcing modality similar to staffing but more oriented towards small teams for specific needs.

The companies with this service (like Dividev) provide a small group of highly qualified professionals with particular subject matter expertise for a specific project or even on a long-term basis.

Although it seems a synonym for staff augmentation at first glance, it is not, and in the next post, we will expand a little more on this figure [so that you can make a strategic decision on the matter, which is profitable for your company.

Are you clear about staff augmentation as a way to hire and expand your internal team? If not, we have enabled a contact form so that you can clarify your doubts about the subject or our services.